Our Coffee
Drip Coffee
Delicious, bold, medium, light
A monthly retainer that gives you access to me whenever
you need (without having to watch the clock)
Fine-quality, Columbian, Kenyan
A half-day workshop to understand where your business is
at and tackle the key problems on your plate
Italian, fine ground
A short, sharp 1-hour session for the time poor or those
with urgent issues at hand
Espresso based, steamed milk
When you need a little froth, we can help you to put
together the marketing collateral you need for investment
Warm milk, bold beans
A full-day workshop to understand your business model,
and identify partnerships to accelerate growth
Hot water and espresso
An express IP audit to identify the key intellectual
property assets and build out an opportunity/risk assessment
Tea and Drinks
Hot Tea
Subtle, caffeine free
Competitive Advantage Assessment report – focused on
your key technology and IP areas
Mineral, sparkling, spring
Patent Landscape Searching – for a high-level overview
of whether your technology is patentable
Matcha Latte
Tasty mocha tea with beans
Freedom to Operate Searching – when you need to understand
the IP legal risks of taking your technology to market
Black tea, raspberry, lemon
Trade Mark Clearance Searching – to understand whether you
can use your branding without infringing others rights